"No, don't be. I realize what was wrong with my life because of you. I wasn't living. I was just existing. Every day was the same for me, but because of you I see life in a different way. It's like I can finally breathe. James, you are my breath of fresh air."

Steven is a run of the mill guy, living a simple life that tips over into boring. He sees no way out of his dreary existence until he meets James, who is beautiful, charming, and helps to bring vivid color to Steven's dull life. But everybody has secrets, and when James's secret comes out Steven wonders if he should have stuck with boring…
Steven worked in a clinic, leading a very boring normal life when he met James, brother of one of the doctors in the clinic Steven was working for. They clicked and decided to take it to the next level but James was hiding a secret big enough that could put an end their newly found happiness.
Overview from Goodreads
See All I Desire Is Steven in:
It was too short for me to form an attachment to the characters. There was a plot potential, but like I said, it was short. Though I just had to say that I disliked the way Steven reacted when he found out the secret. There were better reactions than that. At least, he admitted he was wrong in the end.
If you're looking for something short and fluffy, then this is for you.