“…Trying to make someone stay with you when he doesn't want to is a recipe for heartbreak.”

End of Days is the explosive conclusion to Susan Ee’s bestselling Penryn & the End of Days trilogy.
After a daring escape from the angels, Penryn and Raffe are on the run. They’re both desperate to find a doctor who can reverse the twisted changes inflicted by the angels on Raffe and Penryn’s sister. As they set off in search of answers, a startling revelation about Raffe’s past unleashes dark forces that threaten them all.
When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. As unlikely alliances form and strategies shift, who will emerge victorious? Forced to pick sides in the fight for control of the earthly realm, Raffe and Penryn must choose: Their own kind, or each other?
See End of Days (Penryn and the End of Days #3) in:
One thing that I appreciated most in the previous books of Penryn and the End of Days was the lack of romance. I liked how rational the characters were, how Penryn berated herself for thinking about romantic stuff with Raffe when she had a sister to rescue. Even when I wanted Penryn and Raffe to have more lovey-dovey moments, I never dared to ask for more because I didn't want this story to become one of those dystopian books where satisfying your libido was prioritized instead of saving the human race and the world.
Then came the third book and for some mysterious reason, the characters had so much skinship, to the point where it became exaggerated and ridiculous which angered me. I mean, really? Kissing while flying in the depths of hell aka The Pit while you have other angels to save? Some people might think that was romantic but I thought it was too cheesy and I never ever associated the word “cheesy” and this series.
They suddenly acted like boyfriend and girlfriend that caught me off-guard. Did I miss a novella that concentrated on the development of their romantic relationship or was I really just dense?
Perhaps it was a way to compensate how scant Raffe and Penryn's romantic interactions were in the first two books. It wasn't well executed though. Sometimes, it overshadowed the epicness of the fight scenes.
This series should have one last book since the ending felt too abrupt. If it did, then maybe the End of Days wouldn't feel jammed with Raffe and Penryn's romance.
There were still a lot of unfinished businesses and unanswered questions in End of Days. How will humanity try to recover from the devastation left by the angels? Did that lazy ass Archangel Michael finally made an appearance? What about the Watchers? What will finally happen to Penryn? She led the resistance against the angels, is she going to become the ruler or president or something of the sort for the humans?
I have a feeling that there would be a companion series after this book. Fingers crossed!