If this question was asked to me a few years ago before I discovered Goodreads, I'd probably say, “I'll go to my favorite local bookstore, ask the employee what the bestsellers are and buy what will strike my interest. Or I'll ask some of my friends for recommendations.”
Now? It's different. I can't ask my friends anymore since my tastes have become a little unconventional and my standards are different now. Or that my preferences in genres no longer match theirs. I've also learned that not all books on a bookseller's list is a guaranteed good read. So what makes me pick up a book now?
The Cover and Title
An eye-catching cover and an intriguing title are still the first two things that can make me pick up a book from its shelf. Unless if it's written by a favorite author, chances are I'll ignore a book with an uninteresting cover and an obvious title.The Blurb
Once I'm done appreciating the front part of the book, I will immediately flip it back and look for its summary. If it manages to pique my interest, then off the basket it goes for final consideration. In my observation, I'm most likely to pick up a book that has a blurb on the back or on its flaps (if hardcover) than a book that has nothing but praises from different authors and reviewing bodies. I usually view the latter as a trap.The Reviews
Yes. My phone is open when I look for books. I still check the books that I'm going to buy on Goodreads and read a few reviews before finally deciding to buy the book. I've learned this lesson the hard way in the past. Sometimes, a book doesn't meet the promise its blurb has. There are times when the blurb sounded too good compared to the actual story. It doesn’t matter if my favorite author raved about it; I still want the honest opinions of some readers that I know have the same tastes as I.
After the books have passed through these filters, then off the counter we go. I know it sounds like a really long process but it's worth it since most of the books that I come home with are “unputdownable.”
After the books have passed through these filters, then off the counter we go. I know it sounds like a really long process but it's worth it since most of the books that I come home with are “unputdownable.”