book meme

Feature and Follow Friday | May 29, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Question of the Week:

How many books have you got on your TBR list?

- Suggested by Obsessive Compulsive Reader

The normal “to-read” shelf where I store the books that I'm interested in reading or are recommended by my friends currently has 63 books. It once shot up to 200 but I trimmed it down and selected the books that really piqued my interest. 

I have another shelf named “my-body-is-more-than-ready-for-this” which has 12 books now. These are the books that I'm very eager to read but forced to wait because they're not yet released. By the time any of these books are finally published and I get hold of my copies, I usually drop anything that I read in favor of these.

If you'd like the check out my shelves, here's my Goodreads profile.

Hi, This is my first time participating FFF. If you'd like to follow me via Google Friend Connect, here's the link. Though, I'd prefer it if you follow me via RSS feeds because that's how I follow everyone too and I use Feedly and I have a notification thingy on my browser (which makes it easier to read several blogs). But it's up to you, really. :)

Please leave me a comment if you decided to follow me so I could follow you back.

See you next week!

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  1. I love the title of the shelf! I need to add an eagerly awaiting list too. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    Old Bloglovin follower and New GFC follower

    1. That shelf was born when I tried to sort out my TBR shelf. It was just so inconvenient to manually do it in GR so I had to create another shelf. :D

      Thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. You've done a much better job than I have at keeping it manageable! I hope you get through all of them at some point! New Bloglovin follower!

    Here's my F&F!

    1. Gosh, I hope so too. I'd love to be able to say, “I conquered by TBR!!”

  3. That sounds great! My FF:

    New Follower

  4. Love the name of your shelf! You're managing your TBR waaaay lot better than me. I always get lazy in attempting to cut mine down.

    New follower via GFC
    Fathomless Reveries

    1. Thanks. I was lazy too at first but then I get really frustrated when I look at my TBR so I cut it down. :D

  5. With how organized so many people are, I'm thinking that I may need to start sorting...

    My FF:

    1. When I was sorting my tbr shelf, a close friend of mine just deleted all of the shelves in her tbr and she didn't regret it at all. XD

  6. So organized! I think I'll need t start sorting everyhting out on goodreads... My physical TBR pile is currently at 148. I hope to get it under 100 by the end of summer. Fingers crossed!

    My FF!

    New GFC and Bloglovin' follower!

    1. I hope you'll be able to achieve that goal this summer too! :) Followed back ~

  7. You are great. I have 300 books in my TBR list, the same books are there four years LOL.
    New follower.
    Silvy @Books are my life

    1. I trimmed down my TBR shelf before its too late. At least you got 300 in four years, I got almost 200 in a year alone.

  8. Welcome to F&FF! :) I love the title of your short list - My Body is More Than Ready for This! So cute!

    New Bloglovin' follower! :)

    1. Thanks!

      Followed back on Bloglovin'. Also, thanks for sharing those free audiobooks. :)

  9. That seems like a decent sized list. Mine is my bigger but it includes all of the books I own that I haven't read and a lot of those are probably books I don't have all that much interest in getting to any time soon. I just can't get rid of anything I might eventually want to read.

    New follower!
    My FF!

    1. I didn't shelf some paperbacks that I own that I have no interest in reading. Since my shelf in rl is a mess already, I'm trying not to the same with my GR shelf. :D

    2. Wait, that didn't make sense. What I mean is, I do have some paperbacks here but I don't shelf them in GR because I have no interest in reading them at all.

  10. I love your list...very manageable...mine is way out of control. Need to work on that better. Love your blog...very classy. New Follower via bloglovin.

  11. You've got your list really under control! I envy you that. Mine's a mess. New follower via GFC, RSS, Pinterest and Goodreads. :-)

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

    1. Hahahaha. It did take some time to organize that because it's so hard to sort stuff in GR.

      Thanks for stopping by! :)
