No, it's not really a meme. If it is already, then I don't know about it.
For a long time already, I've been telling myself that I should read this book and review that book but I end up doing nothing at all. I already tried to put it on my calendar, marking everything and setting alarms in my phone but it was useless. I needed something more concrete that reminders. I think that if I try to put my reading goal/challenge in my blog, then maybe there will be a higher chance for me to accomplish it since it will be very embarrassing if I let my procrastination win. This is also a way of challenging myself to work better with deadlines and whatnot.
So here I am.
I'd really like to call this Monthly Reading Goal but like I said, I don't really work well with goals unless I pressure myself. Challenge it is, then.
Clear my Netgalley shelf. Or at least cut it down to half.
- As of now, I still have 30 books to read in my Netgalley shelf and my approval ratio is 42% (80% is the recommended ratio). Yeah, I suck. A I'm trying to restrain myself from requesting books that I probably going to have difficulty reading but my self-control is really bad. I'm slowly working on it though. There are a few books that I'd rather DNF, but I'm not the kind to DNF an ARC so I have to stick through it even if I'm hating the book that I'm reading. This May I want to achieve the 100% ratio (snorts) so that I could at least feel good with myself.
Read at least two Jane Austen novels.
- As somebody who loves reading historical romance novels, not being able to read at least one Jane Austen seems like blasphemy. I know I'm missing at least half of my life if I don't read her works. This month, I'm going to rectify that. I'm planning to read Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion and I'm looking forward to it.
So that's my reading challenge to myself for this month. I'm hoping that I will be able to finish it. What about yours?