“It’s easier to be angry and pass judgment than it is to take a chance. It feels stronger.”

The tables have turned. Now I have the power—and it’s his turn to beg…
Everyone wants to be me.
Maybe it’s the sway of my skirt or the way I flip my hair, but I don’t care. Even though their attention is the last thing I crave, I just can’t stop. I dominate the track, the speed rattles my bones, and the wind and the crowd screams my name.
I’m her. The girl driver. The queen of the race. And I’m surviving—something he thought I’d never do.
They all still talk about him. Did you see Jared Trent on T.V? What did you think of his last race, Tate? When is he coming back to town, Tate?
But I refuse to care too much. Because when Jared does come home, I won’t be here.
Tatum Brandt is gone. I’m someone new.
See Aflame (Fall Away #4) by Penelope Douglas in:
When I first found out that Jared and Tate broke up in the last book, I was livid. I didn't think that it was necessary for them to have more drama. After all that shit Tate went through in high school all because she was Jared's best friend, she didn't deserve more heartbreak. Enough is enough.
I thought that Penelope Douglas was pulling off a some kind of stunt. Breaking them up for God knows what reason.
I'm actually torn about what to feel with this book.
Personally, I didn't think that Tate and Jared needed this. Their problem could've been easily resolved had they talked about it properly. If there was a couple who needed another book, it would've been Fallon and Madoc. I would like to see more on how they adjusted with their married life because, heck, they married at eighteen. That's not easy to cope with. And in marriage, loving each other usually isn't enough. Not that I wanted more drama but if she wanted to say goodbye to the Fall Away series, there were better ways to do it and breaking up Jared and Tate was definitely not one of them.
That said, the author is can write whatever the heck she wants. But she also has to face the fact that people are going to have really high expectations with this book. It's the second time Jared broke Tate's heart already; we want revenge!
For months now, this book had kept me wondering how on earth Tate will react. How will she forgive Jared? How will Jared win Tate's heart back? How will this end?
I'm quite disappointed after reading the book. I was waiting for Jared to apologize to Tate the whole time. I'm sorry I left like that. I'm sorry I broke your heart again. I didn't mean to, I just needed some time to find what I wanted to do with my life. I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch. I'm sorry I didn't fight for you. For us. I wanted him to be the one who's vulnerable this time, to put his heart on the line. To do his best to win his girl back. Did I see him apologize? I've re-read the book, used the search feature but no results at all. And that winning her back part, I guess so. If that's Jared's version of winning people back.
The story then started to head off in a direction that I didn't like. One of Tate's problems when it came to Jared was that she forgave him easily. Too easily that I worried that it would happen here too. I didn't realize that she knew that herself.
I knew I always forgot the pain he caused too easily. Not anymore.
Though I didn't agree with how she deliberately wanted Jared to hurt her, I couldn't blame her too and I was also glad to finally see her snap.
Anyway, in the last quarter of the book, I was finally okay with how things went. I didn't think I needed this story until I read it. I wasn't that reassured with their HEA in Bully and now that I've read this, I can finally put my mind at ease because it's finally over. They're maturing now and they both know what they have in their hands.
Though there were some things that didn't meet my expectations, it was quite fine in the end.
P.S. I know this is a far-fetched idea but I would really love to read what would happen when Kade, Hunter, Hawke, Dylan and Quinn finally go to high school. But that would also mean that it would be futuristic and that would be a hard thing to pull off.