Fuck you, pigeon, I'm rarely likeable. It's my nature, deal with it.

In the blink of an eye, everything changed, and I can’t pretend I don’t need Cole anymore.
He’s my heart and soul, but he’s shut me out, and I’m scared.
Keeping Hailey at arms’ length used to be an annoying challenge. Now it’s a matter of life and death.
Keeping Hailey at arms’ length used to be an annoying challenge. Now it’s a matter of life and death.
I want vengeance. And then I want Hailey to be mine, forever.
ARC received from the author in exchange of an honest review but it didn’t affect my opinion about this book.
I should have known that something was really wrong when Cole berated an actual pigeon for flying away from him.
I should have known that something was really wrong when Cole berated an actual pigeon for flying away from him.
Hate Fuck Part Three continues where it left from Part Two. If you haven't read it, it was when Cole and Hailey were in Miami then Hailey got kidnapped by that guy the Horus Group was pursuing.
I had high expectations with this book. I won't deny that. I guess it's one of the reasons why the book disappointed me so much.
Don't get me wrong. I liked Cole and Hailey in the first two parts. (Although with the title, I expected some angry hate fucking à la Bennett and Chloe from Beautiful Bastard. Still, I grew fond of them.) I liked the concept of the Horus Group. But there was just a very big problem here that I could no longer ignore: the lack of background information.
What the Horus Group does was still vague for me. They kept on saying what it was that they do but I didn't see so much action from them. They said that they were hired by this organization that were involved in geopolitical problems but I really have no idea what it was. I still had no idea why Hailey's family was such a big deal. I kept on letting it slip in the first parts, hoping that it would be explained in time. I waited for it to come but it didn't. (Wait, that sounded wrong.)
I also felt like I read different characters here in Part 3. I know people are going to give me shit for this, but yes, I fell out of like with Cole. Which is sad because I really liked him and was squealing in the second part of Hate Fuck when he said the L-word to Hailey.
It also got random…I'm pretty sure you'll get it when you read the book. What I've learned from suspense-themed books is that there will always be breadcrumbs behind to give you hints as to some plot-twists. There was a major plot-twist here in part three that didn't have anything to do with the story at all.
I'm looking forward to the next story though. But if it's going to have the same problems as this book, then we'll see what happens next.